Crate html2text

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Convert HTML to text formats.

This crate renders HTML into a text format, wrapped to a specified width. This can either be plain text or with extra annotations to (for example) show in a terminal which supports colours.


let html = b"
         <li>Item one</li>
         <li>Item two</li>
         <li>Item three</li>
assert_eq!(from_read(&html[..], 20),
* Item one
* Item two
* Item three

A couple of simple demonstration programs are included as examples:


The simplest example uses from_read to convert HTML on stdin into plain text:

$ cargo run --example html2text < foo.html


A very simple example of using the rich interface (from_read_rich) for a slightly interactive console HTML viewer is provided as html2term.

$ cargo run --example html2term foo.html

Note that this example takes the HTML file as a parameter so that it can read keys from stdin.


  • Module containing the Renderer interface for constructing a particular text output.




  • Convert a DOM tree or subtree into a render tree.
  • Reads HTML from input, and returns a String with text wrapped to width columns.
  • Reads HTML from input, and returns text wrapped to width columns. The text is returned as a Vec<TaggedLine<_>>; the annotations are vectors of RichAnnotation. The “outer” annotation comes first in the Vec.
  • Reads HTML from input, decorates it using decorator, and returns a String with text wrapped to width columns.
  • Reads and parses HTML from input and prepares a render tree.